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Good Story and Characters

The Secret Rose - Laura Landon

Ethan had to once again step in and temporarily be the Earl of Burnhaven. As Stephan had disappeared almost two years ago. Ethan had left London five years ago as he hated the frivolities of balls, of dinners, and soirees expected  of his social class. Ethan could not afford to stay in London as he had his own plantation to run and a fleet of ships that had cargo that needed checking. Ethan who was Stephan's brother got a letter from Abby’s father and Abby had been Stephan’s fiance until he left and Ethan had to tell Abby. The letter said Abby had something that was Stephan’s Ethans desides to see what Abby had. A year after Stephan had disappeared and the engagement had been called off Abby lost her mother   Now her father was dying. Abby;s father had passed away by the time Ethan made it to Abby. Abby had been ruined when Stephan apparently jilted her and she never went out in society anymore. Now Abby was alone and Ethan suggested they marry even though he knew Abby had secrets and he could not guess them. Abby said no they could not marry. Ethan and Abby were attracted to each other but she still said the could not marry.

Once again a good story but the plot seemed a little messed up and seemed to shift to a different plot but still got through it. I liked Ethan’s character although was surprised when he pursued for marriage when eighteen months previously he felt Abby really did love his brother Stephan. I can see the advantage to Abby as she kept to herself anyway. I liked the ins and outs of this story especially the ones concerning Abby, I recommend.

I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.