Piers Hamilton is the Duke of Trent and the latest president of the Lords Of Anarchy which was a driving club known for it’s fast races and drunken debauchery. Trent liked a challenge and accepted becoming president of the club but he planned on cleaning it up and he know watched the members mingling with the ton. Trent had spent years in His Majesty’s Army and knew how to to train unruly men into the best soldiers. Now Trent hoped there would be no more bad behavior from the club members. Trent, Frederick Lisle, and the Earl Of Mainwaring was in a circle of friends that had been friends since their schooldays. The Earl of Mainwaring’s wife was Hermione and Frederick’s wife was Leonora. Trent was glad his friends had found wives but he didn’t know if he ever would find one. First Trent didn’t want a woman who didn’t care for him only his title and Trent didn’t have the charm or manners his friends did as underneath he was a soldier at heart. Ophelia was at the party which wasn’t unusual as she was friends with the Earl’ wife as well as Fredrick's. Ophelia’s mother was not happy ophelia had anything to do with the newspaper editor Edwin but all Ophelia cared about is in concern to Edwin was he put her short essays in his paper. But tonight Ophelia had words with Maggie’s husband George. Trent was taking him away but Ophelia followed behind. George Grayson was about to ruin his wife’s reputation and expose her identity as the author of a very popular advice column “Ask A Reigning Toast”. This was an advice column for society women. With Maggie’s success it ensured the success of Ophelia column about needlework.Also at some later date Maggie and Ophelia hope to be able to write about more important things like the orphanage and other important issues. Ophelia goes out shopping with Maggie and two men come up and put Maggie in handcuffs and says her husband wants Maggie committed for her insane behavior in care of Dr. Hayes. Both Ophelia and Trent work to save Maggie and investigate why she was committed. But Trent makes it clear he is helping because he likes Ophelia. But he does also want justice. Ophelia’s mother is determined to marry Ophelia off to her best friend's son but Ophelia refuses to enter into a passionless marriage. Ophelia was smart enough to have her two friends go to the orphanage with her. Ophelia and Trent have a slow building romance now. Then George Grayson mysterious disappears.
I really loved this story. I loved the intrigue and excitement and obviously the romance between Trent and Ophelia. I love how Trent is protective of Ophelia but even more he respects her and is acting as a gentleman and is willing to wait to go to bed with her. Also Trent is willing to help Ophelia find her friend and how loyal and independent Ophelia is. This story has a great plot . I also love the twists and turns as well as the characters. I highly recommend.