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Great Story and Characters

Fate Undone (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 5) - Linsey Hall

Logan was in prison for magical deviates in Scotland. He had been there three months . Logan was actually Loki who was the Norse trickster God. He went by Logan to protect himself from other Norse Gods. Loki/Logan was a full shapeshifter who could take on the identity of any animal or man. Logan had broken into the prison to take the place of his friend Ian so he wore Ian’s face. Logan had been looking for the Labyrinthine Prison and the prisoners were working on that exact prison building it. Every week Logan had a meeting with the Seer Aleia and this week she said the prison would be completed in two weeks and that it had the River Of Forgetfulness run in the Labyrinth. The plan was to put every God, Goddess, and Demi God in that prison they would forget who they were as well as people would forget them and that would be the end of the Gods. Even after eight hundred year Logan still wanted Sigyn first the Labyrinth then once Logan knew he was safe he would go back for Sigyn.But after he had changed into a guard and leave the prison he knew Sigyn was somewhere near. Sigyn was a Demigod and would suffer as Logan would if he did not destroy the prison. Logan had been hurt trying to escape and managed to get to Sigyn cottage and he hoped Sigyn would help him as hide who he really was until he healed. Sigyn had changed her name to Sylvia . Sylvi had been thrown out of Asgard as she helped Logan/Loki escape the wraith of the Gods. Sylvi believes Loki and goes on a perilous journey to save what they knew as Gods and Demigods and both Sylvi and Logan love each other still.

I really liked this story. Sometimes I don’t like how mythology is written or changed for a story but I thought this one was great. I did feel there was too much detailed sex - could have been shorter that did not have to be in the story or at least not as much.Great writing and plot. The story did somewhat flip between the present and the past but it didn’t bother me as much  as usual.

I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.