Beth was offered a job with Rocco who was a celebrity chef. Rocco owns a restaurant and is best friends with a famous guitarist Zac Stranger and Rocco has an on and off relationship with supermodel Pandora. Beth liked being a temp then she could choose the jobs she wanted to take. Beth had just finished a contract with a globe trotting CEO from Investment Bank which consisted of twelve hour days and no real time for herself. Beth’s live in boyfriend broke up with her they had been together five years. Beth had never had the great depth of love her ex Martin had for her. Lexi was Beth’s sister and had accepted the job with Rocco for Beth. Even though Beth was feeling down and thought about taking some time off. Sarah was a PA and rocco said the contract would be for three months. Beth would be keeping track of what Rocco should be doing and when. Sarah goes to Rocco’s country estate as that is where she is to work. As time goes on Sarah tries to hide her growing passion for Rocco.
This was an enjoyable story as well as well written. It was predictable but still a good read. I enjoyed the back and forth between Rocco and Sarah. I also laughed while reading this. This was one of those stories that just makes you feel good although not really very realistic. It was an easy read. Some of the story does seem a little rushed. But I did feel the insecurities Sarah felt were very justified. This story had a good plot. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of the story. I recommend.
I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.