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Sabin, A Seven Novel - A.M. Hargrove

Serena is working toward getting her PHD in marine biology. She is living like she always wanted to away from her parents that weren’t very good to her. She is out scuba diving and finds a necklace . All of a sudden she is attacked . A group of men called the Seven come to protect her and find the necklace which is known as Judgement Day. But Serena doesn’t have the necklace anymore. Sabin is the leader of the Seven.He and Serena are attracted to each other.

I didn’t love this story but also didn’t hate it. The story was okay . some of the time I got bored while reading it. Sabin talks way too much about his ex wife and also how many mistakes he has made. The characters were okay. But nothing about his story wowed me in any way

I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.