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Good Story and Characters

Miss Match - Laurelin McGee

Andrea/ Andy is 28 and has decided to take the position to be Blake’s matchmaker for a cost. Lacy is Andy’s younger sister and the one who showed her the ad. Then Lacy preceded to tell Andy her hours had been cut at work and they were almost broke and the bills would be coming up again soon needing to be paid. Lacy felt Andy was perfect for the job and set up an interview before Andy even knew about the job. Andy knew she had to go even though she did not want to. Once there she definitely feels not right for the job. But Blake is definitely hot and built his empire from nothing. But  he is a jerk especially how he talks about women. He doesn’t care about love he just thinks it’s time to find a bride. He chooses Andy because he is intrigued by her.

This story was good but started a little slow. It has a lot of humor I took me a while to even like Blake. I will say one thing instant attraction between Andy and Blake even if he is a jerk a lot of the time especially at first. I liked all the ins and out Blake and Andy went through. I recommend.

I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.