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A Millionaire at Midnight (Bachelor Auction) - Naima Simone

Morgan's best friend was  Khloe and her daughter Sinead was Morgan’s goddaughter. Morgan’s fiancee Troy had broken their engagement for her stepsister Cynthia. Morgan felt humiliated and stupid. Morgan was on her way to the Rhodonites Society annual Masquerade Bachelor Auction. Morgan was only going because her mother was forcing her to. Morgan had been the former untouchable darling of Boston’s social elite. The only good thing this round of parties and outings Morgan was able to Network for phoenix House- a non-profit organization that helped women fresh out of abusive relationships or homelessness in gaining a  solid footing in their lives. Morgan had started by writing a check then volunteering to passionate adversary. In the auction Morgan decided she wanted Bachelor # 9 there was something about him that was different. When she went to meet the bachelor she realized it was the same man who thought she was a gold digger. He looked coldly at Morgan his name was Alexander /Alex BIshop. Bishop Corporation was his family's business and where Alex was CEO. Her stepfather left everything to Cynthia including the building that housed Phoenix House. Morgan had  to get a  job which she had and work at it  for one year.  Then Morgan finds out that Alexander was her  new boss where she worked and she couldn't quit.  Phoenix house needed that building not to be sold. Then Morgan hears Alex needs a fake fiance Morgan goes to him and tells Alex she will act the part if he will buy the building the Phoenix House is in.  Alex was attracted to Morgan even if he didn’t like her Morgan felt the same way.

I liked this story. I felt bad for Morgan at first but things changed. I  loved how she was  heavily involved with her charity. I felt bad Alex had to hear Morgan let her temper get the better of her but he eventually got to know more of the real Morgan. I felt like I was there with Morgan and Alex and cheered them on. I also felt Alex's’ dad was a butt the way he made rules so Alex could take over the business and also how he treated his daughter. I loved that both Alex and Morgan stuck up for Alex’s sister. All and all a good read.  I loved  the characters and the ins and outs of the story as well as the plot. I recommend