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Good Story and Characters

Christmas Joy: A Novel - Nancy Naigle

Ben and Jason had been friends since middle school. Jason owned Mers Hardware. Joy hoped to be promoted to the new director’s position of Director Of Focus Grouos. Joy worked for MacDonakd and Webster. Which was the nations leading candy manufacturer. Joy had been focused on the Christmas holiday for almost sixteen months straight. Renee is a friend but also on Joy’s team in this research project. Ben is the chief administrator of Bridegewater Regional Hospital. Joy’s Aunt Ruby’s friend  Shirley who was also Ben’s grandmother had called Joy to let her know Ruby had badly broken her ankle and was in surgery. Joy left to make the six hour drive to be there for her aunt. Joy had bad memories of the floor her aunt was on as a couple doors down she had been with her mom the last couple of weeks  before she passed away from cancer. Ruby had been there for Joy when ever she needed her since trying to help fill the gap her sister had left in Joys life. Now Joy had to take care of the animals on Ruby’s farm as well as decorate for a festival that was well known in these parts and there was a festival with a tour and Ruby's farm was the first stop. Joy had backed into a truck her first night at the hospital and it was Ben’s truck but he was very gracious about it. Ruby mentioned Handy Andy would help her and Joy didn’t  know that is what she called Ben.

This story was a little slow at first but did pick up. I liked it alot. I loved how Ben was there as much as possible for Joy. I liked how Shirley stopped aand checked on Joy and was there for her friend Ruby. I liked the characters alot and the ins and outs of this story. I recommend